For Students and Early Career Scientists
We welcome early career scientists (undergraduate students, graduate students and postdocs) to participate in LiveCoMS. There are two ways you can participate:
If you are a graduate student or postdoc, we encourage you to sign up to be a student reviewer. Every submission to LiveCoMS requires a student reviewer to make sure that the material is accessible and appropriate for all levels of users. By participating as a student reviewer, you will help improve the pedagogical and practical value of LiveCoMS to a diverse community of simulation scientsts. Please email the managing editors with a request to be put on the potential student reviewer list. Include a brief description of your expertise, and a short CV including publications.
We encourage you to ask questions and provide comments by filing issues on the GitHub repositories for individual LiveCoMS papers. The give-and-take and community feedback occurring there is extremely valuable for continued development and clarity of the papers. Additionally, LiveCoMS authors are explicitly requested to acknowledge students who make contributions via the GitHub page in updated versions of the article. Significant and ongoing participation that improves the document may even lead to eventual inclusion as an author on future versions (at the discretion of the current authors)